Script | It is what it is
It Is what it Is: Mockumentary Script FADE IN: INT. Connors House - Mid-day Connor is INSIDE his house, GETTING ready for football, Connors MOTHER is SITTING in the LIVING ROOM. Connors Mum Tell your brother to be back for 9. EXT. Outside shop - Mid-day Connor is INSIDE the shop PURCHASING an energy drink, WHILE Sam WAITS OUTSIDE the shop to continue QUESTIONING Connor.Connor LEAVES shop with PURCHASED GOODS. Sam (in an inquisitive tone) What did you buy from the shop today Connor? Connor (face stuffed with sweets, using a mumbled tone) Sweets, energy drink and a scratchcard ya dickhead. Sam (not surprised) How Pleasant. HIDDEN figure walking towards connor in an AGGRESSIVE manor. Sun FACING his back, So His Shadow is AHEAD of Him Connors Brother (Aggressively) Give us all your fucking money, Yeah run that shit bitch… Connor (Nervously) For fucks sake,not again. Connors Brother Faggit. Connor Mum wants you back by...