
Showing posts from October, 2017
Fransisco Franco - Fascist leader of Spain. Leader of Spain during the Spanish civil war, Spain was currently being run by a Fascist government causing most people to rebel against the government. The rebellions were all defeated and in this the only rebels left were the ones in the mountain.
Margaret Thatcher What was the poll tax and why was it introduced into Scotland first? Poll tax is the community charge (another way of saying poll tax)  every citizen in a city has to pay. It is a single-flat-rate-per-capita tax. Scotland was used as an 'experiment' and 'guinea-pig' by the Thatcher Governemt with the poll tax to see if t would work before introducing it to England and Wales. Why do you think the thatcher government so unpopular in Scotland? I think that the Margaret government was unpopular in Scotland as they had introduced a new tax in which every citizen had to pay, as as in Scotland most people were of the under class it meant that they would have even less money that they already had.