Script Ideas

Film Ideas

Film Names:

Ozul - Stands for gayman
Hemlock - The poison socrates took to commit suicide

Character Names:

Ozul - Main gayman
Hemlock - Protagonists brother
Esmerelda - Lover of the protagonist
Gunther - Esmerelda's ex boyf

Filming Locations:

Nuneaton Memorial park
King Edward College
DA crib


Lighting Equipment
Microphone to record sound

Time frame:

6 weeks planning
6 weeks film time

Plot overview:

Ozul lives his life in the shadows after the murder of his brother Hemlock in a hit and run tragedy, causing Ozul to distance himself from his friends and family. The murderer was never found creating a further mystery and additionally causing misery and heartache as a face was never put to his brothers murder. A year passes by and Ozul is now in college failing his studies, the same college where Esmerelda and Gunther attend who have a massive fight within the college causing a scene. After the fight, Esmerelda is alone in a park crying where Ozul reluctantly goes to cheer her up, as he knows what it is like to be alone when upset leading to him sympathising with Esmerelda when she explains what has happened. This leads to Ozul taking matters into his own hands and confronts Gunther at his house, however upon arrival, Ozul sees a car in the back garden which he recognises however can not fully see, he goes down the side of the house to further investigate leading to him seeing the car that killed his brother.


About a Girl: This film was used as inspiration as the main protagonist is shown throughout the short film as being alone, and also as someone who has experienced loss which is how i wanted my protagonist to be represented.

The Gunfighter: The idea of having a narrative voice that the characters can hear during the scenes is a good idea as it allows for the short film to be more engaging and additionally makes the film a lot more entertaining and fun.

Swimmer: The use of cinematic shots allow for the scene to be set in a more visually appealing way which i like, so in my film i will copy this style for when i am setting the scene


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